Engineering your Environment
From keeping Stock in, to keeping predators out or ensuring the safety of the public on site
Otter fencing and gate installed to control access through remote driveway on Country Park
In house fabricated door and Otter fence angle brackets
Access gates betweeen paddocks of free range poultry house for hen welfare
Wildflower plots fenced to allow controlled grazing
Multilevel fencing around perimeter of wildlife pond
Perimeter fence separating grazing from wetlands, 1.2m net with barbed wire and hex net dug in the ground
Out of hours working to fence off hazard from Nature Reserve car park
Sheep proof post and rail to keep livestock out of farmyard
Separating horse paddocks from spring and open ditch
Barbed wire strung along river edge to allow grazing of river bank by cattle
In house fabricated security barrier installed in field gateway for increased security